You can get all the new features Android Oreo has to offer, but the catch is it is an alpha version and therefore, you could a few minor bugs that you have to deal with. The stable version will take more days to come out and in the meantime, you can definitely give it a try.
Working and Buggy Features Paranoid Android 8.0 Oreo
Since it is an alpha version, there are certain buggy features along with the ones that are working perfectly. Check out the following list as it will help you to operate on it in the best possible way without any complaint.
Working Features
Wi-Fi Bluetooth NFC GPS Fingerprint Sensors Cameras Audio GApps Hardware encryption
Buggy Features
Only the gestures and the notification slider are causing trouble and not reacting as they should. Otherwise, it is perfectly working on OnePlus 3 and 3T. [mks_pullquote align=”left” width=”760″ size=”16″ bg_color=”#095689″ txt_color=”#ffffff”] Full Custom ROMs List:
Best OnePlus 3 Custom ROMs (Nougat and Oreo ROMs) Best One Plus 3T Custom ROMs List (Nougat and Oreo ROMs)
Download Paranoid Android 8.0 Oreo ROM for OnePlus 3 or 3T Zip File Download TWRP For Android 8.0.0 Oreo Download SuperSU Zip Download GApps
Make sure your OnePlus3 or 3T device is rooted, and TWRP is installed.
TWRP and Root Guides > OnePlus 3 | OnePlus 3T
Take a full Nandroid backup using TWRP which will be needed in case of emergency situation. Keep the battery charge of the device full.
Disclaimer We will not be responsible for any damaged that might occur to your device due to the wrong execution of the following steps. Therefore, proceed at your own risk.
Steps To Install Paranoid Android 8.0 Oreo For OnePlus 3/3T
Step 1. Download the ROM Zip file and GApps on your computer and transfer them to your smartphone. Step 2. Install the latest TWRP from the download section and reboot into TWRP. Step 3. Perform a complete wipe using the option Wipe Cache, Dalvik Cache, System etc. Step 4. Now install the ROM Zip file from Install option and browsing to select the file from the location. Step 5. Wait for the flashing process to complete, then install GApps in the same way. Reboot your device normally and enjoy Paranoid Android based on Android Oreo. source: OnePlus