The OnePlus 7 was launched alongside with the OnePlus 7 Pro. The device runs Android v9.0 (Pie) at the top of OxygenOS 9.5.4 out of the box. It has a 6.41 inches (16.28 cm) bezel-less Optic AMOLED capacitive touchscreen display with a waterdrop notch. The native resolution is 1080 x 2340 pixels. It is well protected by Gorilla Glass 5 Protection. The device is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Octa-core Processor coupled with 6/8GB of RAM and 128GB/256GB of onboard storage option. The device sports a 48 + 5 MP Dual Rear Cameras and a 16 MP, f/2.0, 25mm (wide) front-facing camera. The main rear camera can shoot [email protected]/60fps, [email protected]/60/240fps, [email protected], Auto HDR videos. The OnePlus 7 houses a 3700 mAh battery with Dash Charging (20W). It has an On-screen Fingerprint Sensor. This is a very known thing that all the Manufacturers release their latest software updates via OTA (Over-the-air) and users get the notification about the latest updates. Samsung users can find the information about the latest software update inside settings and OnePlus 7 is not the exception. Here we will share all the details about that.
Manually Check OTA Software Update On OnePlus 7 (System Updates)
You can manually check for the update from Settings > System Updates > Now click On Check For Updates. If there is no update showing on your device, then wait for a few days for the update to come to your device as it is being released phase-wise manner. If you liked this guide, then share it. If you have any quarries regarding this guide, feel free to leave that in the comment section down below.