Apart from that, we have also known that Telegram has the ability to delete as well as edit the messages that have been sent already. Although we have known that WhatsApp has got the ability to delete messages but there is still no option in WhatsApp to edit the messages. Also, WhatsApp only allows a message to be deleted only within the 7 minutes of sending the message which is not the case in Telegram as we can edit or delete the message whenever we want. Now, there have been many updates to Telegram and now there is the latest update rolling out to Telegram which bumps up the version number of the application to v4.7

How To Read Deleted WhatsApp Messages? How to delete WhatsApp sent messages on Android

Now, the latest addition in this version is that we can now add multiple accounts inside the application which will allow easy switching of accounts in order to chat with different accounts. Also, there is one new feature addition and this is the ability to quickly respond to messages with a swipe gesture. You can now simply swipe left on a message and you can reply to it instantly. Now, you will get the update to Telegram’s latest version directly from Play Store and we have added the link to download the app from Google Play Store below

Download Latest Telegram v4.7

Download Telegram v4.7 from Google Play Store